Sunday, January 10, 2010

Month 21 & 22

Over the course of these two months, Sofia's spirited personality has come alive. Sofia enjoys picking out her clothes even if it isn't the norm as exhibited when she had to wear her bathing suit over her clothes when we went out for burgers in the middle of winter.

Her second Thanksgiving was a memorable one as she got to sit at the kids table and eat lots of mashed potatoes. She then got to spend the rest of the weekend helping our Aba bake cookies and taking "Jo Jo" on walks.

The biggest highlight of these two months was the big vacation to Kuai for X-Mas. Sofia loved the beach and the pool, especially when she could use her bright pink "go gos" that she received as a X-mas present. Her Tio Scott and Tia Natalia are now known as the "choo choo" Aunt and Uncle as they took her on a train during the trip.

New Year's Eve was a memorable one as Sofia made it up until 10pm to watch the fireworks. Sofia brought in the New Year in style....a hula skirt and lei!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Month 19 & 20

After a month of living at Abe and Aba's house, Sofia was excited to come home and have a remodeled house that included no more sleeping in the hallway and a big girl bed. She quickly adjusted back into city life although she sure misses Abe, Aba and "Jo Jo" or Joey.

Sofia's boyfriend still is Asa who comes over every Monday to play. However, generally speaking Sofia asks for Asa multiple times during the day, particularly when she wakes up from her nap and is ready to play!

Make-up and fashion continue to be Sofia's true passion. When we get home from work, Sofia sometimes has eye shadow and powder on her face and her nails are painted. If I am wearing tights when I get home, she demand that I take them off so she can put them on.

Halloween was very memorable this year as Sofia was a dog and her mom dressed up as Hannah Montana. Although luckily Sofia does not understand trick or treating, we went to Belvedere Street to see the action (haunted houses, shows, etc) and Sofia even got to dance in the toddler disco area!

After a month of living at Abe and Aba's house, Sofia was excited to come home and have a remodeled house that included no more sleeping in the hallway and a big girl bed. She quickly adjusted back into city life although she sure misses Abe, Aba and "Jo Jo" or Joey.

Sofia's boyfriend still is Asa who comes over every Monday to play. However, generally speaking Sofia asks for Asa multiple times during the day, particularly when she wakes up from her nap and is ready to play!

Make-up and fashion continue to be Sofia's true passion. When we get home from work, Sofia sometimes has eye shadow and powder on her face and her nails are painted. If I am wearing tights when I get home, she demand that I take them off so she can put them on.

Halloween was very memorable this year as Sofia was a dog and her mom dressed up as Hannah Montana. Although luckily Sofia does not understand trick or treating, we went to Belvedere Street to see the action (haunted houses, shows, etc) and Sofia even got to dance in the toddler disco area!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Month 18

Sofia spent the majority of the month at her Grandparents while her house was being remodeled. She developed a very deep bond with Joey and even would spend the summer days swimming together. After moving back into her new house, Sofia often asks for the "Dog" or "Joe."

Sofia also did a series of group swimming lessons while down at her Grandparents which at first were not up her alley. However, continuing to go to the class has paid off and Sofia loves to go underwater now.

The Latin diva continues to shine in Sofia. Her favorite toys are purses, necklaces and sunglasses. She is often seen around the house all dressed up with her little stroller. She also has been found opening finger nail polish and putting it on her toe nails.

Sofia's vocabulary has developed to be a mix of Spanish and English words. "Mas" or more is one of her favorite words as she continues to be a very good eater and knows that word will get her more food:)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Month 17

Sofia had a very memorable month. Her best friend and also nanny, Rocio, returned back to Mexico after living with us for a year. Sofia does check for Rocio in her room but the good news is that Astor's Niece has come to live with us and Sofia has quickly adapted to a new Nanny.

Sofia is starting to develop a limited vocabulary of both Spanish and English. However, she gets frustrated as she still can't express herself. The terrible twos have come a early for Sofia and her Latin Passion is becoming even more apparent. However, when her boyfriend Asa is around it is all hugs and kisses.

We also went to Astor's hometown in Mexico and Sofia was in heaven with her countless cousins, staying up late and eating food she doesn't normally get at home. She spent the hot days going from the baby swimming pool to the trampoline.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Month 16

Sofia's personality continues to blossom. The good news is that we always knows what she is thinking even though she can only say a few words. When it is hot, Sofia does not care to wear clothes and if she could would be naked the whole day. Sofia also loves to sit in a chair like a grown up and talk on he phone while she watches Rocio clean.

Grandpa invited her to the local carnival and she loved it. Sofia somehow made it on every kid ride and would scream when she had to get off the ride. On one ride, Sofia decided to take off the seat belt and stand up. After taking off the seat belt for the second time in a row, she was kicked off the ride.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Month 15

Mom and Dad went to Scott and Natalia's wedding in Argentina while Sofia stayed home with Rocio and Aunt Anabel. She quickly forgot about Mom and Dad and had a great time hanging out with Rocio and her Aunt Anabel and eating yummy homemade Mexican meals.

After her parents trip to Argentina, the heatwaves hit San Francisco and Sofia sure enjoyed the time outside at the park, zoo and even the beach. The cold San Francisco Bay didn't even seem to bother Sofia and petting the animals became her quick favorite attraction at the zoo.

Sofia continues to love to dance and turns in circles with her tutu. She loves entertaining, even when we go to new houses. In fact, at one dinner party the hosts thought Sofia could play with lemons which they took from their centerpiece. Sofia proceeded to bite into all the lemons, leaving teethmarks. She is now known as "Jaws."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Month 13 & 14

Sofia has spent these two months getting her balance and is now likes to run more than walk. Her favorite thing is still to go to the park but she is often seen going up to other Moms or Dads in the park and just babble with them. Sofia continues to enjoy seeing Dogs and making sure to yell "Dog" whenever she sees one.

Grandma has come over a few times for visit in these past few months and even brought some finger painting. Sofia loved thinking the paint was make-up and even got a little on the paper. She is very proud of her first portrait and continues to show it to her Mom and Dad.

Sofia is truly shaping up as a Latin Diva. She continues to love to put on necklaces, cream, lipsticks and dresses. Mom and Dad worry what is a head of them when it comes to getting her ready for school and of course the teenage years.

Eating continues to be a passion for Sofia. She loves it when mom leaves her alone with her father as they eat some serious Mexican Brunches together as seen in the picture below.